Counseling for Finding
Clarity & Meaning
You find yourself alone in your thoughts, holding anger about things that happened years ago. It’s been brewing for a while now but you've been able to manage this long, you figure. What's the big deal, right?
You can think of so many people who have it worse. The truth is these thoughts are not something that you feel comfortable sharing with just anyone.
You’ve tried to let it go and have even told yourself that you’re good and it doesn’t affect you anymore. But it still seems to be lingering in the background.

Your internal critic and self-doubt show up in ways that aren’t helping your ability to live the life you’ve always wanted, much less have good and stable relationships.
It’s led to confusion, stress, anxiety, and not making the best decisions.
You need clarity and objective feedback to help you sort it all out and quiet your mind.
You’ve come to the right place.

Feeling the relief that arises from coming to terms with what happened.
Finally releasing yourself from its hold and moving forward.
Living freely and with delight.
Being surrounded by people who get you.
Freeing yourself from the past.
Discover a Clearer Mind, Find Peace, and Move Forward
Your story matters. What happened—it matters.
I can help you find relief by sorting through it, finding clarity and redefining how it’s going to impact your life.
My Approach
First, we talk through what you are experiencing so I can understand how you are thinking and feeling. From experience, I've learned that the stories that are the hardest to tell come out in pieces so we take our time and let each part come out as you feel comfortable.
My role during this time is to create a space where you feel safe to let your words flow and then take what feels gray and confusing in your head and help you start to organize it. This may sound scary, but it's really helpful.
This process helps you to find relief by sorting through it, finding clarity, and redefining how it’s going to impact your life.

Think of it as a closet with a big pile of shoes mismatched and piled on top of one another. As you tell your story, I match the pairs together and organize them until we know what we are looking at.
This helps you to gain perspective and look at it objectively. Once all the details are out in the open something important happens.
You will realize that you have control over what to do next. There are parts of your life that you couldn't control. Things are different now. Using our shoe analogy, you decide which shoes are no longer serving you and start the process of deciding what to do with them. Some you will keep, some you will fix and some you will decide to let go.

Consider the freedom of:
After years of being told that you are worthless, you realize that it's not true.
That you were never really a burden, your family just made you feel that way because of their own struggles.
That you have worth even when you are not perfect or impressing everyone with your accomplishments.
That you are worthy of love and goodness.
That the situations you blame yourself for no longer need to be carried and it's okay to redefine how they will impact your life moving forward.
How It Works
Working together as a team, we will navigate through your experiences and put each detail in place until it starts to make sense and you’re able to find meaning. Having someone there to reflect on your story, point out alternative ways of seeing situations and experiences, and give you a place to talk through the hardest parts, is an empowering experience that brings a deep sense of meaning.
That's the next step. We redefine those awful things you went through. They came with lessons that made you better, so we talk through them until we see the good that emerged from them. And we use those to define who you are moving forward. This is a powerfully life-changing, meaningful, and genuine process that you don't need to figure out alone. We can do it together, so it doesn’t have to weigh you down any longer.

How We Meet
My Office
My office is located in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, close to Jupiter, Palm Beach Island, Palm Beach Shores, Singer Island and North Palm Beach.
Online Therapy
Online therapy is located in the comfort of your home from anywhere in Florida.
Therapy in Nature
Incorporating nature as a therapeutic tool into our sessions adds an extra layer of depth, meaning and fun to the process.