What to Expect
in Therapy
You’re ready to get started, but want to know exactly how this whole therapy thing works…from start to finish.
No problem. I’ll walk you through it.
Here are the next steps…
(…and the whole therapy process from a birds-eye view).

The Consult & Intake
The next step is to head over to the Client Portal to schedule your free 20-minute consultation.
A big part of finding a therapist is seeing if you like their vibe. The consultation gives you a chance to do that before making any kind of commitment. Pretty cool, huh? I'll ask you a few questions about what brings you to therapy, and we'll see if we are a good fit. We'll also talk about being a good practical fit considering our schedules and fees.
If we are a good match, we'll set our first appointment called the intake.
I'll send you an email through the Client Portal to complete and sign the intake paperwork.
During the intake, we outline the work we'll do together.
In this 60 minute session, we'll review the paperwork and come up with goals to make sure that we are on the same page about the work you want to do. I’ll answer any questions you have and at the end of our session, I'll ask you how you felt about it, and if you'd like to meet again.

Therapy Sessions
Each session after that is 50 minutes. I’ve found it’s most effective to meet weekly for at least 2-3 months to set a good foundation.
At first you will give me lots of information that may seem random, and that’s okay! My role in those early stages is like a detective, who takes that information and starts to connect the dots, so we can make sense of it. We’ll work together to come up with and try different tools and tactics until we find what works for you.
Once you start feeling better, seeing your progress and meeting your goals, we will transition to meeting bi-weekly.
We’ll troubleshoot any issues you’ve faced and modify tools I’ve given you in session until you have skills that are consistently working.
At that point we start meeting monthly.
We address any issues you’ve faced and work together until you have met your goals. Once you’ve met your goals, we stop meeting, but I am always here for you.
The relationship we develop in therapy builds a foundation of trust that takes time and is meaningful.
Because of that, if you face anything in the future, even if it’s years down the road, I want you to feel comfortable coming back to me. Having someone in your corner, who knows your history, and can jump back in with you to help and troubleshoot when life gets tough, brings a huge sense of relief.